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What Does the Bible Say in the Book of Daniel Chapter 12?

Having a good understanding of your bible is very essential. A bible is a very important and sacred book of God that we should read because it gives us energy and enables us to overcome temptations from the devil. Jesus died for our sins so that we will be free and for us to be saved and He went into heaven to prepare a resting place for us. In the book of Daniel chapter 12 talks about the second coming of Jesus. After Jesus ascended to heaven, he promise us to come again but we don’t know the day, the year nor the hour. It is in this book that we will know what signs we need to look at to know the signs that will show us when Jesus will come. Let’s continue exploring this book.

In the book of Daniel chapter 12 talks about the things that will happen during the second coming of Christ which is during the end times. The book tells us that during the time of the coming of Christ, there are people who will be saved from death, the wicked people will die and those righteous people who had already died will rise. This is the reason there is salvation even in our time. Everyone should be prepared for the coming of Christ and that is by avoiding doing evil.

This book shows that there is a reward for good deeds and there is punishment for doing evil. The book says that the people who have been doing according to the word of God will be rewarded by being risen for those who had died and those who will not be dead by the time of the second coming of Christ will not die for they will be saved from death. The people who have been compromising the word of God will not be saved. They will die and thereafter face an everlasting fire. It is crucial for everyone to make sure that they run away from evil so as to avoid the wrath of God during the second coming of Christ. These days there are many people of God who are trying their best to ensure that they preach to you what is in the book of life for you to be saved from the wrath of God so there is no excuse for you not to be saved.

The book further continues to say that the leaders who will have served well and those who taught people to do what is right will shine like the stars. This shows that the leaders have a separate judgement from the rest. If you are a leader it is important to ensure that you do what is right as you teach people to do the right thing as well. When you teach people to do the right thing, your reward will be to shine like the stars. You need to know that every good deed you do on this earth doesn’t go unrewarded so there is a need to do good things.

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