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What to Look for When Choosing a Church

You may be a new believer who has just accepted Christ and would want to have fellowship with other believers or you may have moved from a previous location and you are looking for a church in your new location or any other reason. There are many churches and choosing the best daunts. You will need to pay attention to the following factors explained below when selecting a church.

Look for a church that bases its teachings on the word of God. A church that has sound doctrine and draws its teachings from the bible is a good choice for a believer whether new or established. You can easily observe this from their fellowships or better still have a sit down with one of the church leaders for further clarifications.

Look for a church that has a good value system. A church that places its values on its members by showing them love and care and most importantly godliness in character is good to go church. Do not look at the societal or education level of the pastor but focus on his character.

It is also important to seek a church that can allow you to serve in your capacity or calling. Since a church is made up of different parts of the body and each member plays a role in the body, fellowship in a church can give you a chance to contribute to your area of calling as a believer. A church is made up of what its people contribute to each other in matters of spiritual growth.

Choose a church that will help you grow spiritually. The reason why people go to church is for them to be fed spiritual food so that they can grow in spiritual matters. You need a church that will motivate you in believing in Christ and challenge you beyond your limits and draw you more to Christ.

Select a church that is more focused on evangelizing to the lost. The purpose of the church is for soul winning and pointing believers to Christ. Such a church will provide opportunities for believers to grow as they bring more lives to Christ and would mean more work for its members.

It is also important to look for referrals. You can rely on a trusted friend to guide you while selecting a church. Look for a spirit-filled fellowship, believes in the power of prayer, and know the word of God. By talking to such, you will be sure you will land on a church that’ll meet your spiritual needs hence helping you to grow.

Finally, make visits to potential churches. Before you conclude on this task, it is necessary that you visit the churches you have listed as potentials. This will help you have a feel of how their services are, the overall conduct of brethren, if they encourage new members to join the ministry, and much more. Hence, it will help you make the most informed selection.

With these tips, you’re sure that the church you select is such as you want to be in thus not keeping on shifting.

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