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The Best Way to Take Care of Your Wetsuit

Some swimmers spend a lot of money on swimming gear because they don’t take the necessary measures to keep them in tip-top condition. This forces them to buy new gear after realizing that the one they have does not provide the comfort and protection they need. Some swimmers who swim in cold water, for example, replace their wetsuits regularly after realizing that their gear does not help them retain body heat or insulate them. This usually happens to swimmers who don’t take care of their wetsuits. Therefore, if you have a wetsuit, you should take the following measures to keep it in tip-top condition and increase its longevity.

The first thing you should do to keep your wetsuit in tip-top condition is to wash it expertly. Rinse your wetsuit thoroughly inside and out with fresh water after swimming. This will flush away the salt and sand that might damage your wetsuit and reduce its longevity. It is also advisable to use a quality shampoo when cleaning your wetsuit. It will get rid of the musty water smell and other odors that your suit might have after swimming. This will give your wetsuit a fresh smell, which will make swimming more enjoyable.

Use the internet to compare the best wetsuit shampoos in the market. Check their manufacturers to ensure that they are reputable and they follow all the required steps to ensure that their products meet the required quality standards. It is also advisable to read clients’ reviews before buying wetsuit shampoo. It will enable you to know whether the wetsuit shampoo you are considering is safe for use and effective in cleaning wetsuits. Choose products with many comments because it proves that it that most clients who bought them were satisfied with the shampoos they bought.

The way you hang your wetsuit will also determine how long it will last. Therefore, you have to hang your suit properly to avoid damaging it. Use a quality wetsuit hanger and hang the suit as directed so that it can dry consistently and avoid stretching. You should also avoid hanging your suit in direct sunlight because UV rays can damage and reduce its longevity.

Ensure that your wetsuit is completely dry in the inside before turning it inside out for the outer part to dry. Wearing a dry suit will ensure that you are comfortable when swimming and it will improve your suit’s life.

Some people prefer washing their wetsuits using washing machines to save time. However, it is not recommended to wash your wetsuit using a machine every day. It is only recommended to do this if your suit is very dirty or smelly. However, if you only want to remove salt and sand on your suit, hand washing it might be more advisable. Then, after your wetsuit is completely dry, store it correctly to avoid damage. Use a wetsuit hanger if you decide to hang your suit in your wardrobe. You can also use a shoulder hanger or roll up the wetsuit from the bottom if you don’t have a hanger.

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