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Benefits of the Autophagy

The word autophagy or “self-eating” is actually the mode in which our cells can repair the damages and heal themselves. This kind of healing mode is being activated when we do need to save out our energy and to fight for the infection and to have those damages repaired. The following are the important benefits one can get from this process of the cell.

The autophagy can actually save your life. This is scientifically accurate. The autophagy is already an ancient process where the main function is to preserve one’s life. During the time of extreme stress, starvation, and infection, this kind of process will then kick in in order to maximize the repair while lowering out the damages. This process plus the combination of intermittent fasting while activating the autophagy can be able to starve the infectious intruder of that glucose and lowers the inflammation so that the immune system can have an easy time to take its action, and then repair those damages that are caused by the inflammation or by infection. The animals do evolve using the process of autophagy to be able to conserve the energy and to repair those damages when the energy will be scare, but this is a critical part of the immune system of the human being to be able to battle that illness and to reduce out the risk for cancer.

Secondly, autophagy can improve the quality of life and the length of life of the person. The anti-aging benefits can sound too great to be true, but the beauty can run far deeper than the skin. There are scientists that have found out about this kind of process but their recent studies that reveal that it can indeed improve your cellular health. Instead, you take nutrients, the cell that does undergo the autophagy will recycle those damaged parts that they have, then remove those toxic materials and then fix out themselves. When the cells repair themselves, they do work much better and they can behave like young cells. You may have heard about people that do have different chronological and biological ages. The amount of toxic damage that the body does have taken and the way it repairs can play a huge role in these major differences of age.

Lastly, autophagy can help also in terms of metabolism to work better. The autophagy is a known process of taking out the trash and replace the cell parts like those mitochondria. The mitochondria are the cellular engine of the cell. They will burn those fat and then make the ATP which is the energetic currency of the body. There is a lot of harsh toxic build up that is in the mitochondria that will damage out the cells then break them down to save from future wear and tear in the cells. The autophagy of the other cell parts can aid the whole cell to work more effectively not only to burn the fuel but at the same time to make proteins. Those healthier cells will work more efficiently.

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