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Standing for Your Rights

Life is a gift from God. He created everything wanted life on earth to remain convenient and suitable to all creations including humans. He furnished the earth with great endowments such as air, water, land, and foods and fruits and so much more. He put humans to be in charge of his earthly creatures that nothing should deteriorate but that all creatures should thrive together. On earth, there are different continents and countries. In each country, there is a government. It is the one that has the authority to control everything. Naturally, the government is made to protect the interests of people and make sure that everything is balanced and justice reigns everywhere. In order words, the government is the servant of people. Unfortunately, greed has gripped humans and government. In many countries, people do not have rights. Their rights are abused and there is nowhere they can go to speak it. Corruption has taken control of all aspects. As a result, injustice social inequality and diseases have found their way to effects the lives of people. In such countries or events, many people will be dimity. They will remain silent as they assimilate the consequences of rude governance. If so, this will keep on happening and more lives of people will continue to be affected. On the other hand, proactive people will not stay silent. Proactive people are not nasty, they are not aggressive, they are not violent. They read the realities and know what to do. They will stand and speak whatever needed to be spoken for the interests of people. Yes, in many countries the government is tyrants. This means people fear the government instead of the government to fear them. In tyrant systems, the government is confident to do illegal and unacceptable things that will violet the right of citizens and even ruin their health. Even in the tyrant system, proactive people will not keep silent. The aim of these people is to raise awareness in public, to tell them how certain government officials and agencies are abusing their powers and offices so that this will change in nonviolent ways. Most of the time, those who dare to address the government mismanagement and abuse of power, are intimidated, assaulted and even killed especially in the tyrant government systems. But this does not give the government the power, it rather justifies the weaknesses of the government. Consequently, the government will not win all the time, rather with these invincible efforts from individuals, people will come to win and then at last people are right and stronger than the government.

Take the example of the environment. You know that the life of all creatures is interconnected and interdependent. If lakes and seas become polluted and flooded with plastic bottles and plastic bags from the cities, the aquatic creatures will be affected. So, the day you will eat fish or drink water or wash anything from your property’s faucet water, then you will share some amount of consequences as well. This will foster diseases in your body. There is no better solution, therefore, than to stand and address the issue and present them to your government.

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