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Things you Need to Know About Catholic Church

We all have different beliefs depending on the churches that we go to. We were all brought up differently and for that case, it is important to respect other people’s religions. For the case of catholic churches, there are a number of things that you might not be aware of. Here are various things that you need to learn about catholic churches. With them, the purpose of the church is to make the disciples of Jesus. So many people may tend to have a different understanding of the purpose of the catholic church. And through the instructions of Jesus, He gave a mission statement to his apostles saying that they should go and make disciples of all nations, which implies that it is the church that gets to bring us close to God. The other thing that one should know about the catholic church is that the trinity really plays a great role and it is highly respected. With them, they believe, with the trinity, it is the gift of oneself to others with true love. And for that case, to gain life, we actually need to lose ourselves. So, with them, the trinity is the most essential thing of all Christian doctrines and therefore the beginning of everything that we usually believe in. There is also a need for one to know that the incarnation changes everything. It is all believed that an all-powerful, eternal, and all-knowing divine being decided to create the universe and also he becomes one of the creatures that He actually created. More so he raises up our nature to greater dignity. Which is really amazing.
The catholic church also believes that the church is beautiful. The sinners are not usually the source of the church beauty, but God is the one. Christians are normally called upon to reflect the beauty, but the true beauty is found in believing and being in God’s hands. And for that case, the church usually reflects Christ’s beauty to the world. And the beauty comes about through the lives of the saints, the artwork and cathedrals, through music and songs, and through the teachings and the reading of the church. It is through all that, that God’s beauty gets to be uplifted to the world. The other thing that one can learn from catholic is that it usually contains the most balanced teachings. The teachings are all round, that is focusing on what we get to encounter in our daily lives and how the saints were able to tackle such difficulties. Their teachings do not focus on specific things but general life. With this church, it gets to answer your problems as well as the world’s problems in the fullness of truth and the grace that the Lord gets to offer to the world. One thing that you are sure of, you will not be back home the way you went to church. You will have learned much and had an inner understanding of the word of God. The church gives us solutions to many things that are much difficult to handle. It is not just the church but through the Holy Spirit and the word of God.

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