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Qualities of a Good Solar Generator

Due to a high number of solar generators in the market, many people find it challenging to find a reliable one. Solar generators are in high demand as many people struggle to bring solutions to power shortage. There are several points you need to note for you to get a reliable solar generator.

The battery capacity of a solar generator needs to be considered whenever you are choosing a generator. It will be wise to choose a solar generator with a strong battery capacity that will offer you long service. Lithium batteries are mostly recommended due to their light weight and high power. If you choose a solar generator that has a high charging rate, your lithium batteries might be destroyed in the process of charging.

You need to consider how heavy a solar generator is before selecting it. The heavier a solar generator is, the harder it is to move. You will require to move the generator in case of emergencies, and therefore you will be pleased to have one that can move with ease. One technique used to make solar generators more portable is giving it a feature that makes it possible to be disconnected.

Charging speed is something you have to take into account when choosing a solar generator. A slow charging solar means you will have to charge it for too long thereby inconveniencing your intended uses of the solar.

You need to look for a solar generator that can accommodate many batteries. You can comfortably have your solar serve you adequately in cases of emergencies if it is expandable.

A solar generator with limited input plugs will be ineffective. You will have to do away with some of your appliances if you choose a solar generator with limited plugs. Using power strips is not advisable since it can result in a trip of the fuse due to overloading.

It will be wise to evaluate the inverter size of solar before going ahead to choose it. A solar with a large inverter size can handle heavy duty appliances.

It will be more useful to have a solar that allows for car charging. In case the weather is bad for a solar charging you can easily rely on car charging provided the solar you have has that option.

Lithium batteries will be the best to use in a solar and you should, therefore, check the type of battery a solar you wish to choose uses. Lithium batteries are usually light in weight a feature that makes them more useful.

A solar cannot be termed as reliable if the company that designed it does not maintain customer services and does not offer a manufacturer warranty upon its sales.

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