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Things that Define a Good Manager

Managing something has a number of difficulties. A manager does the management work. Survival of organizations and businesses is ensured through management. The main work that a manager does is ensuring that the organization achieves its’ set objectives. Planning, organizing, directing and controlling are what managers do to achieve the set objectives. Management work can be done by anyone who is qualified to do it. Managers are evaluated either to be good or bad based on the results they produce. A good manager is defined by a number of characteristics. Some of these characteristics are discussed below.

A good manager communicates well. Good communication by managers makes a company achieve its set objectives. Communication is not one way. Good communication is the one which is from the manager to the employees and from the employees to the manager. Communication on job responsibilities and expectations are done by a good manager. Employees are allowed to table their grievances and suggestions by a good manager. Teamwork is encouraged by good communication and hence good results are obtained.

A good manager is experienced knowledgeable. Good managers are qualified educationally. The good managers have done studies on management up to the university. Management is easier for good managers because they have school knowledge. Knowledge is also added by experience. A manager with a lot of experience is the best since he or she has gained a lot of knowledge during his or her working period. Such a manager performs his or her duties correctly since it is not the first time he or she is performing those duties.

The good organization defines a good manager. A manager who is organized knows what to do and when to do the specific thing. Absenteeism and lateness are avoided when a manager is organized. A manager acts as a role model to his or her employees. An organized manager encourages his or her employees to be organized. Good organization of the employees and the manager makes an organization achieve its’ objectives. Good organization is learned by a good manager when he or she reads books and articles concerning the organization.

A good manager knows how to manage time. A good manager utilizes time fully. The manager is always able to manage his time as well as the employees’ time. He or she divides time well so that the objectives of the organization are achieved at the right time. A good manager is never late so he or she never influences the employees to be late. Various employees’ meetings are held by a good manager in order to discuss various issues concerning the organization. Good managers possess the above characteristics.

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