Discover the Best Way for Your Healing Through Brokenness
Being broken by our creator is very hurtful. However, it is one and the only way to begin your healing process. Indeed, it’s true The Creator breaks you to make you. Without the breaking process, you cannot start the making process. After going through our brokenness by The Creator and he starts to take you through a healing process you get a testimony that you can share your journey with others and they will be in a position to find peace and healing in the name of Christ Jesus they are lord and savior. Why they find peace and healing in their own lives these individuals will also be able to grow mature and also show others how Christ can also break them and heal them.
This is true Because through his word the Lord says he is the father he is the potter and we are the clay. Moreover, he declares that we are the works of your hand. There is through the prophet Isaiah. When I say as little as this it is a demonstration of Ultimate dependence on the Lord who is the creator the God in heaven the king of kings the mighty god. He is the uncreated creator he knows the end before the beginning to stop the brokenness and individual goes through at the moment is part of The Creation process of making them into a better version of themselves.
For the Lord to create you into the best version of yourself that she intended he has to break you fast. What do we mean by breaking? This is the wholesome process of getting you into releasing those things you found and 2 hours the advantages you have over the other people full stop, in short, it means the process of one becoming Humble full stop indeed it is a humiliating process is a difficult process and a challenging process. However, when you are patient in the process of the Lord’s making you through brokenness he will fill your other end. That’s why I receive she breaks you to make you. You’ll come out better than you are.
The new person that comes out of the brokenness that was you are able to handle issues and challenges in a better way than you used to do. That is the more reason why you find Healing in brokenness full stop that is the reason why you find transformation in brokenness. This means you are transformed into a new wholesome person holistic in every way that you have a new perspective and approach towards life.
Through the process of brokenness, the lord creates testimony in your life. The purpose of the testimony is that when shared with other people can identify with here and also have hope and trust in the lord healing them through the process of brokenness. Indeed someone says in good there is no dustbin and there’s no waste of any experience. Whatever you go through today we have a meeting tomorrow when it is used as an impact on someone’s life.