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Understanding More About Navicular Disease In Horses

Horses are important animals to human beings. They provide great and comfortable rides, thus making it easier for one to go for various outdoor living activities like adventures. However, just like human beings, horses are also prone to various health issues and injuries that hinder them from effectively performing their tasks. One of the most common health issues that affect the horses is a navicular syndrome. The navicular disease mainly affects the navicular bones, thus making it challenging for the horses to walk. There are several things that may make a horse suffer navicular disease. One of them is an interference of the supply of blood to the navicular bone. Inadequacy in the blood supply is one of the key causes of navicular disease that not many people are aware of. It is, therefore, important to make sure that you have your horse regularly checked by a professional veterinarian for this and other health conditions. The other very common cause of navicular disease to horses is an injury or trauma to the navicular bone. Navicular bone injuries are known to cause more damages to the navicular bone parts like the navicular bursa, navicular ligaments, as well as the deep flexor tendons. This, thus causes extreme pain, hence making it more difficult for the horse to easily move. As a horse owner, it is always good not to wait until your horse gets affected by the navicular disease. Navicular disease is preventable. There are several ways in which you can keep your horse safe from suffering this kind of an ailment. One of the key ways in which you can minimize the risks of your horse suffering navicular disease is by providing quality living standards for it. This is one way of ensuring maximum care to your horse, hence the need to make sure that you provide this and other forms of care activities to your horse in order to reduce the chances of it suffering this and other health conditions. You should also provide a good footing to your horse. This is one of the key ways of keeping your horse safe from accidents and injuries that might increase the risk of damage to the navicular bone of your horse. It is also good to ensure regular exercise for your horse. This will not only keep it flexible and fit but also keep it safe from extreme weight.
There are several signs and symptoms of the navicular disease to horses. It is good for every horse owner to know the signs of various syndromes or diseases that are likely to affect his or her horse so as to have it treated in a timely manner. One of the key signs of navicular disease to horses is difficulty in moving or walking. This is simply because of the pain that comes with the navicular disease. Intermittent forelimb lameness is also a common sign of the navicular disease to horses. Soreness is also a common sign of navicular disease. There are several treatments for the navicular disease in horses. Some of the top recommended treatments for navicular diseases in horses include medical treatments like anti-inflammatory therapy or the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, surgical treatment, and shoeing treatment.

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