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How to Take Care of Diabetic Patient

According to the World Health Organization there are 463 million people with diabetes worldwide, they project that by 2045 this number will increase significantly and it will reach 700 million people. What is alarming is the increasing prevalence rate of diabetes of adults above 18 years, in 1980 the prevalence rate of diabetes was 4.7{7f7b0206ef579875bd35610f3ae29ce6e3e0c5c3578c4c9f1600fbd97b665c0b} but in 2019 this changed to 8.5{7f7b0206ef579875bd35610f3ae29ce6e3e0c5c3578c4c9f1600fbd97b665c0b} furthermore, the fatalities that were directly related to diabetes were 1.6 million in 2016 and 2.2 million death resulting from closely related condition to high blood sugar making it to be among the top cause of death in noncommunicable diseases. It is depressing reading such statistics from the World Health Organization because diabetes is preventable and mostly results from our poor lifestyle, a sedentary living, poor diet, excessive alcohol intake, and other poor life decisions. The burden caused by diabetes to the individual, family, or friends can also be overwhelming this is because diabetes can lead to stroke, blindness, lower-limb amputations, and other things that can leave the individual dependent on others for a living. Given the health and life impacts diabetes has on the patient a carefully sought plan is needed to manage it or the patient this may not be simple but do not worry anymore, this article has some diabetes tips you can use to manage your diabetes or the diabetic patient.

Providing emotional support is key in ensuring the diabetic person go through the stressful news, people do not usually accept and move on once diagnosed with diabetes, they can be in denial and confused and therefore being there for them emotionally would help them, soldier, on. It is important to lend them your ears especially when they want to talk, they may be wanting to talk about plans on changing their lifestyle, let them know one can still live a full life when still diabetic what is important is to adhere to the recommended changes.

You need to help the diabetic person in making the lifestyle changes, plan diet together, help them make exercise program and participate with them whenever possible also important help in identifying exercises that will reduce stress such as yoga, deep breathing, and meditations because diabetes can be stressful on the individual.

Make sure you understand and recognize signs and symptoms of low blood sugar for a diabetic individual this normally happens when the diabetic person eats too little or take too much insulin, such symptoms include dizziness, insomnia, mood change, confusion, hunger, seizures, and you can avert this by a snack or taking a juice. You can apply these steps in helping a person diagnosed with diabetes.