Learning Different Ways to Say I’m Sorry In Spanish
As humans, learning to say sorry is important as we are bound to make mistakes here and there and there is no immunity to the mistakes you can make. Additionally, you might want to to get a passage to somewhere and this implies you will have to say sorry. Even when a close friend or your acquaintance loses someone, you might have to console them by saying you are sorry. This is the more reason why we need to learn how to say sorry in different circumstances. In Spanish there are different ways to say you are sorry based on the circumstances you find yourself in.
The first situation in which you will have to say you are sorry in Spanish is when you are wrong and here you say Lo siento. There are different times when you will just find yourself on the wrong and the best thing to do in such circumstances is to say you are sorry. The worst thing that people do is to try and find excuses when they are wrong instead of going straight to apologize. In Spanish, the first way to say you are sorry is to say that you apologize. This is a common way to say I’m sorry especially if it is a small mishap and you had no intention of offending the other party. You can also say Disculpa meaning I apologize can be used when you feel like you interrupted someone in their speech without excusing yourself. You can also use the phrase especially when you accidentally bump into someone say on a staircase or even a doorway.
The second way to say I’m sorry in Spanish is to say, Lamento, meaning you cannot imagine how sorry I am. Before one can use this phrase they should imagine a situation where they are supposed to send invitation cards to a friend or relative but they don’t. Another situation is when you are requested to send a particular email or message, and you fail to do so. This will mean serious inconvenience on the other party. Saying the phrase will show the offended party that you seriously regret the blunder and you will not repeat it. You can only use this phrase if the magnitude of the offence is very high.
Another way of saying I’m sorry in Spanish is saying Con permiso to mean, please excuse me. You might be in a situation where you need someone’s attention or you want to seek clarification or you need a question answered. This phrase can also be used when someone wants to interrupt someone. Using excuse me implies that you acknowledge that you are disrupting someone and you are sorry.
The other situation where you can say I’m sorry in Spanish is when you are saying sorry to comfort them for losing a loved one here you say Mi mas sentido p?same. This situation is totally different as it calls for saying sorry because you feel someone else’s pain when they are grieving. In this situation there are different ways to express this. First, you can say I am deeply sorry for your loss. Even though one can simply say they are sorry, adding the word deeply shows your empathy and sincerity to the bereaved. All these are ways of saying I’m sorry in Spanish which you can use accordingly.