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Learn About The American Religious History

It is no doubt that religion is a very important activity in any country for that matter. This is because it greatly portrays how far a country has come far and where it is headed. Every nation in the world, therefore, has a great history behind its religion and the united states of America is one of them. Looking at the religious history of the American people, it begins with the American Revolution itself. Many historians have published about how Christianity played a major role during the American Revolution and many of them put it to be a protestant nation as it was founded under those principles and they did this by specifically making grounds on the Calvinist heritage. Apart from that, the history also states clearly that the black community on their part formed their own churches specifically the Baptist church and the Methodist. It also clearly stipulates that the black gave political leadership together with the moral leadership qualities to the ministers of the particular churches that they came up with.

Going further, the history goes ahead to speak of the rise of the catholic religion. It states that the catholic religion set its grounds with a population that had been present in its founding and that they expanded that catholic religion along with the Spanish and the French empires during the colonial era. The other factor that led to the growth of the catholic population is that there was immigration from the catholic countries into the country and this substantially increased the catholic population in the country. This was also the main reason why during the nineteenth century, the catholic organization had been the largest in the country.

The other factor that led to the growth of American Christianity was the availability of benevolent societies that were present around the nineteenth century. The societies at the time were very much interested in the salvation of lost souls and this played a major role in ensuring that they got to kick out any kind of sin for that matter. The societies did their work by majorly establishing evangelism which was a major contribution to the Christian Union in the sense that all their energy was focused on the conversion of the sinners at that time into newborn Christians in what we now call baptism. Looking at the native American population, they also played a key role in the development of the American religion in the sense that they were able to come up with spiritual practices of what they referred to as indigenous people of America. They were described to have the own different religions practiced based on their ethnic background that was based on different histories that were being passed to other generations.

It was also seen that when the western Europe region had begun a secular trend towards the end of the twentieth century, the Americans greatly resisted that kind of change within their borders and that made them be recognized as one of the most religious countries among all the major nations of the world.

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