Daniel Chapter 12
For any Christian especially an Adventist, the return of Jesus Christ is the most significant event that they expect. This explains why the Christians value the book of Daniel especially chapter 12 because it explains the events surrounding the second coming of Jesus Christ. The book of Daniel chapter 12 explains the end time events and uses symbolist to determine time which has been a great challenge for many bible students. It is therefore necessary that if you are a bible student and you are unable to understand these events, you seek the guidance of bible scholars and pastors who have been doing research for some time and have come up with a comprehensive and detailed report of the interpretation of the book of Daniel chapter 12. You need to get the contribution of the scholars and pastors who have made large contributions to the study and interpretation of chapter 12 of the book of Daniel.
There are several hot themes that people can discuss in the book of Daniel especially chapter 12 and such include time of trouble, mark of the beast, the resurrection, day of atonement and many more. It is advisable to make sure that you are able to combine a variety of researches by various researchers in order to get the different perspectives and understanding of the whole issue. In this regard, you need to go through the various websites of these scholars and researchers in order for you to be able to ensure that you gain as much as possible from their research. It is important to make sure that you are able to follow up on your pastor of choice and their research so that you can get a glimpse of all the event that are happening in the near future before the second coming of Jesus Christ. It should be noted that when you have adequate information about this through the book of Daniel chapter 12, it will be easy for you and your journey of Christianity because you will be able to understand the events around the second coming of Jesus Christ.
You need to ensure that the pieces of work that you study will be able to explain to you the conflict that has existed for almost six millenniums and has formed the largest part of history that has been studied by Christians especially the seventh day Adventists. The bible is the basic study resource of all Christians and therefore whenever you consume information about Christianity and the prophecy that exists in history, there is need to ensure that you have the best teacher on your side or guidelines and each of the analogies given should be verifiable and confirmed from the bible. You need to get the resources that discuss the bible and the end times especially Daniel chapter 12 by ensuring that the resources you use are available for you to study on digital forms so that they can be portable for you and mobile. This is important because you can find it easy to move with the resources around and be able to read them whenever you are free.