Reasons to Replace Fuses with Circuit Breakers
A fuse is a device that is specifically built to protect a circuit. When there’s an electric overload, you will need a fuse to ensure that the equipment used is not damaged. An electric overload can also damage an entire wiring system causing someone to spend a lot of money in repairs. In worst case scenario, it is also possible for an entire building to burn down if a fuse is not present. Although fuses have been present for very many years, they are faulty to some extent. Typically, the devices sacrifice themselves for the protection of the whole circuit.
A fuse functions in a similar fashion as a light bulb. It contains two metallic posts containing a filament that connects them. When there’s a circuit overload, it is the filament that melts away. Once the filament is fully melted, there’s nothing linking the poles and the circuit is broken. The biggest problem with fuses is once the filament has melted away, you may not be able to replace it. this is because you might not have the metal needed to make the replacement. As a result, you will not have any other choice than replacing the whole fuse.
If the fuse is damaged due to an overload, someone would be required to buy a new one. However, this can be quite frustrating especially if it is done multiple times. Furthermore, if you are living in an area that constantly experiences an electric overload, it is possible that you will end up spending a lot of money on fuse replacements. In this case, you might need to use a circuit breaker in place of a fuse. Circuit breakers have also been in existence for the longest period of time. Actually, it is estimated that the fist circuit breaker was made approximately 100 years ago.
Circuit breakers work in a similar fashion to fuses. Their purpose is to ensure that an electric overload doesn’t destroy some of your most valuable equipment. However, unlike a fuse that contains a filament which melts away due to an electric overload, the circuit breaker trips and resets by toggling the switch. In this case, no replacement is needed. Once the switch is off, you can switch it back on. The circuit breaker contains some sensing elements that accurately determines when an overload condition occurs. Once it has detected this, it opens its internal contacts which interrupt the flow of current.
Typically, circuit breakers are more convenient as compared to fuses. They are also preferably chosen over fuses because they reduce the operating cost. When the switch flips, all that you are needed to do is flip it back on. You do not need to make any replacements whatsoever. However, you will need a professional company to make the circuit breaker installation. This is not something that you should attempt doing by yourself because there are many electrical risks and damages that you may encounter. Instead of risking your life and property, ensure that you have contacted the professionals for the installation.