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Alternative Home Heating Sources
For the longest period, people were limited in heating options for their homes. Wood and coal-burning furnaces were the main sources of home heating before electricity. The contemporary world uses either electric or gas furnaces that warm the air and circulate it all over the house. However, these methods have their shortcomings, including electricity and gas cost, as well as, they are not friendly to the environment. Luckily, homeowners today have alternatives options that can assist in heating their homes more efficiently and at the same time keep the planet green. Keep reading the guide, as we will discuss some of the most prevalent alternatives to the conventional heating sources and reasons that make them good heating sources for your home.
A good example of these popular alternative means is geothermal heating. Once you go below the permafrost in the ground, there is no major change in temperature, no matter how cold or hot the atmosphere. Depending on place, the temperature below the ground can be around 45 to 75 degrees. Pipes are installed underneath, and atmospheric air flows through them. If air is cold, it is circulated through them to increase the temperature. When it is hot, these pipes cool the temperature. When flown back to your home, it will be its temperature. While geothermal may be costlier than gas forced-air furnaces, it offers greater efficiency. It may sound expensive but quite cost-effective in the long run.
Another option would be solar heating. Passive solar heating relies on skylights and windows to let in natural light from the sun into your home, and heat a substance with high heat absorbency like ceramic tiles. However, active solar heating involves the use of a solar collector to heat either a liquid or air and then disseminate it into your house to heat. Normally, solar heating systems are utilized alongside other heating sources. It relieves the burden for the other source as it works less.
The chances are that you are familiar with the feeling of walking across a cold hard floor. You can use radiant underfloor heating to heat up your room from the floor up. This heating source utilizes electricity or a boiler to reduce the loss of heat when passing through your heating ducts. However, the major drawback to the method is it needs you to take away your flooring to place the ductwork and probably ideal for when constructing a new home.
Lastly, you can opt for masonry heating. If you’ve had the privilege of owning a brick oven, then you have a clue oh how masonry heating functions. This involves having a stove or fireplace surrounded by high heat-absorbing materials like brick or ceramic. It utilizes wood for energy and the fire heats the masonry to circulate the warmth over time.

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