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The Best Developer of Tools to Prevent Human Error in Florida

Most of the industries and businesses, in this day and age, are practicing and undergoing an OHS or operational health and safety risk assessment specifically on their operations, for they thought that this would help them to avoid any risks and harms on their workplaces. Human error is actually very common to these industries, and such is defined as a mistake that is typically done by the people and may result in any outcomes that are undesirable and unfavorable. Human error is also categorized as a normal by-product that may be produced or developed due to the activities in the workplace. Some of the most common examples of human error include the three-mile island accident, pilot error, medical error, space shuttle Columbia disaster, and space shuttle challenger disaster. Some of the various ways that can be used to categorize human error include team error, personal dependencies error, exogenous versus endogenous error, situation assessment versus response planning, physical manipulation error, active error, latent human error, equipment dependency error, and by the level of analysis. Some researchers have made some studies about human error, and they found out that human error and human performance are actually similar to each other. Another basic definition of human error is that it is an action and a decision that is made unintentionally. Some of the ways or methods that can be done in order to prevent human error on businesses include developing a strong disaster recovery plan, undergoing training, limiting the access to any sensitive systems, holding any annual or semiannual refresher courses, as well as, testing your disaster recovery plan on your business immediately.

It is typical for the businesses and the various industries to find the best ways or methods that can basically help them avoid or prevent human error from happening on their business operations. In this modern day and age, where most of the businesses are already using various modernized tools, and an example of these tools is the software designed specifically to be used by businesses. One of the best software and consulting company that specializes in producing and developing software to prevent human error is actually located in the state of Florida. This particular company is actually being handled by experts of human reliability, and they have been recognized as the leading authority when it comes to human error prevention. They have created and developed software products that can be used in mobile devices and are all fully functional even if the user is offline. Their software product and data are also designed to capture short videos and photos at critical points, especially when it comes to documenting any proper task accomplishment. To be more specific about this company is that they are providing and developing tools that can basically prevent any human errors from happening. Their software products can basically be used via a technology of mobile wearable digital checklist, consulting, and online tools. The primary mission of this particular company is to basically help their team in achieving error-free operations that are more precise. One of the benefits that their clients may obtain from their tools is the ability to find and activate their desired checklist and procedures in a fast or quick manner.

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