How to Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets Expertly
DIY kitchen makeovers are becoming more and more popular. If you want to redo your kitchen as well, there are a number of things to keep in mind. A good kitchen makeover entails more than just painting your wooden cabinets. However, you should not be discouraged from transforming your kitchen into what you want it to be. The following are some tips that will help you do the makeover like a pro.
The preparation is just as important as the painting itself. Spend an adequate amount of time preparing your work surfaces. Empty your cabinets before cleaning the surfaces as thoroughly as possible to make sure there’s no grease or dirt left. You should also remove all the handles, knobs and drawers which will be returned once you’re done. For an even better job, You can use a wood filler to repair any holes or imperfections on your work surface. After that you’ll have to sand the cabinets so that the paint adheres.
As a beginner, painting wood should not be very challenging. Wood, in any form is generally easy to paint. The general idea is a material that can be scuffed up using sandpaper to ensure adherence of the paint. Laminates are not very ideal because the results will not last long. If your work surface is made of stained wood that has glossy finishes, make sure you de-gloss first.
The quality of paint you use will reflect in the end result. Therefore, you should not just go out and buy the cheapest paint you can find. Take time to research on the best quality paint even if it means spending a few extra bucks because it will be worth it in the end. With the right type of paint, you will achieve better coverage and enjoy better results. In addition, be sure to keep the room ventilated and wear masks as you paint to ensure your safety. You should also do your best to keep your working surfaces as clean as possible.
One of the most crucial steps in the entire painting process is priming. When you are done with the thorough preparation, the next step is priming your work surface. For satisfactory end results, steer clear of all-in-one primer and paint products because they are not good for the job. If you are going from dark cabinets to a lighter shade, you should consider tinting the primer so that it matches the final color. Remember that it’s important to sand the cabinets again after the base coat dries, but not as aggressively as the first time.
Your finishing is another important aspect of the project. Kitchen surfaces should be durable and wipeable.