The Changes to Adhere to After an RLS Diagnosis
After a restless leg syndrome, one may experience difficulty when trying to sleep as a result of the pain. For you to soothe RLS and have an excellent life, you need to make some lifestyle changes. This article outlines some of the changes you can make to your lifestyle after a restless leg syndrome.
You should start by cutting the caffeine. Caffeine is a criminal when it comes to distorting sleep and it can cause restless leg syndrome symptoms. All drinks that have caffeine such as tea, coffee should be restricted fit you. You should also cut any caffeinated OTC drugs if possible as they may cause your RLS symptom.
You should also avoid alcohol. As much as you may think that getting a few drinks may help you get some sleep, alcohol may also be the contributing cause to your restless leg syndrome. You are advised by RLS experts not to take alcohol as it can disrupt your sleep at night. One lifestyle change that you should make if you want relief in your lifestyle is avoiding alcohol or consuming it in moderate.
Make sure you increase your electrolyte intake. There are some food that brings about restless leg syndrome while others provide relief. Cramping is usually as a result of depletion if certain minerals in the body. These minerals include potassium, iron and other minerals that lead to muscle relaxation. One should consume as many natural electrolytes as possible from meals that have these nutrients and some of them include organic fruits and vegetables.
Another lifestyle routine that you should follow is working out. If you don’t stretch, you need to begin as tight muscles contributes to RKS and cramping. It is highly recommended you stretch, so start your day with some light stretching and implement with a few yoga sessions. It will be ideal to stretch your calves and feet before you sleep at night. Some restless leg syndrome should be easy and calming to the muscles. You should avoid vigorous exercise when you have restless leg syndrome as it can worsen your symptoms.
Another lifestyle change you should have is following a healthy diet. A healthy diet will not only be excellent for your RLS, but it will also enhance your overall health. Individuals should start consuming diets rich in nutrients so that they get the minerals that will assist with their RLS relief.
The other change you can introduce to your lifestyle is the use of cannabidiol oil. CBD oil can ease the pain one is experiencing by stopping it before it reaches the kegs. One should go for cbd oil for restless legs.