Factors to Guide You in Choosing the Right Dog Daycare
The dog daycare is an excellent option for the dog owners that are very business and do not want to leave their dogs alone in the home. Therefore when you want a dog daycare, you are supposed to ensure that you identify the right one. You need to select the facility that will be right for your dog, and you will like it. Therefore, you should check at certain factors that will assist you in the selection of the perfect dog daycare facility for you. The tips below will guide you on what to look at when searching for the perfect dog daycare facility.
You are supposed to take your time and tour the facility. When you visit the facility, you are supposed to check at the environment of the place. Ensure that the facility has a clean and well-sanitized environment. You also need to look at the safety precautions that are in place. Ensure that the place is well ventilated to provide the dogs with fresh air. For example, they are supposed to have open doors or a fresh air exchange system. You also need to check at the fencing of the area to ensure that they have proper fencing, also, check at the floor are the right dog daycare facility should have the safe floors that have the rubber or the epoxy floors which will offer the perfect grip.
You should find out about the treat policy of the dog daycare facility. With certain facilities, they use the treats to reward good behavior and others they do not. Therefore it is essential, ha you check with the manager of the facility about the use of the treats. You are supposed to inform them whether your dogs display aggressive behavior when around food or when he is provided with a special diet.
From the reviews, you can make the right selection of dog daycare. In recent days, you are able to get hold of various business reviews by using the internet and other platforms. For example, you can check on the social media page of the dog daycare facility. Visit the Facebook page of the facility you are considering so that you can read the reviews from the current customers of the facility. This is a great way that will help you know more about the services of dog daycare. Therefore you can determine if the facility is right for you.
Check at the staff to dog ration on the dog daycare. The most recommended number of dogs in one person should be fifteen dogs. When the dogs are more active, then one person is supposed to have not more than ten dogs. Ensure that the staff will have a number of dogs that they can handle. They are supposed to provide the dogs with maximum attention and give them the treats they need. Therefore, ensure that you have checked at the number of staff in the dog daycare facility.